important key factor in having a mentally healthy dog is having a confident dog. This means that he/she is comfortable interacting with new
dogs of all sizes, breeds and colours plus unfamiliar strangers they have never sniffed before. Having your dog be constantly exposed to new elements is a great way to increase his confidence in every scenario!
Being fluent in dog language
dog language and regular
socialising will ensure that your dog is able to
read signs that other dogs are trying to convey. A growl will teach your dog to give
space to a dog that is shy and a play bow will show that it’s time for some fun!
a fulfilling day.
Having a live
stream involves you in your dog’s
day and you are a part of their experience here with us. You get to see their new friends and their nap times!
and tailor their interactions with them to what their needs and wants are. This ranges from playing with them, cuddling up during nap time, brushing their fur and many more activities!
know you and your pet better and we will prove to be the best
decision you have made for your dog’s care.